Tuesday, July 20, 2010

another baby

me at OU..just after installed our new rim at rawang

at kajang tint shop

to have this baby is like dream come true to me..act me n d is waiting waaaaay long to have this num plate...JME 105..me is my name called by him...which is act stand for mummy hehe..dah lame we used to called each other by this name..to be exact dekat 6 tahun..and my journey to have this num plate TIDAK sama sekali semudah yang disangka..2 kali ke JB to masuk tender..b4 masuk tender tu men redah aje..dah tanye org kat JPJ tu

me : num JMC 105 n JMB 105, ada rekod tak berapa RM org tender?
jpj: jap ye dik (buat2 sibuk tengok rekod)
ohw siri 105 ni tak penah ada orang tender lagi dik.ini running num aje
me : so kalau nnt siri JME dah keluar, saya boleh walk in aje kan untk 105 ni?
jpj: tapi tak tentu jugak dik..mane tau tibe2 untuk JME 105 ni ramai pulak nak
me : tlg la cik..saya mmg dah tnggu 2 tahun nak num ni.so now cane?
jpj: better adik masuk tender
me : ok la..(sambil kedek2 amek borang tender)..err...cik..kat kolum jumlah ni
berapa saya kene letak?
jpj: itu terpulang..min RM210..
me : agak2 kalau saya letak RM450, dapat tak?
jpj: eh banyak sangat tu..letak RM300 aje la
me : ohw takpe..saya letak RM450..harap2 dapat

and yay after waiting about 1 month (i've been pushed by salesman untuk cepat2 kuarkan keta dalam masa yang sama), maka diistiharkan dapatlah num JME 105 itu..i'm SOOOO happy...d juga..this plate num is simbolic of sharing to us..dah lame berangan..here's some pics of me wit this another batch of baby..hehe...

blog yang sudah berkulat

i know its been almost a year i'm not updating anything here..life become more hectic..coz i'm now is running in some biznes which i can say ohw alhamdulillah i can't believe THE BIZNES menjadi sehebat ini..syukur ALHAMDULLILAH dengan rezeki kurniaan Allah yang tidah terhingga ni..act i'm planning to have another blog which can be my journey towards my wedding day...tak sampai setahun pun lagi from now..tapi macam tak buat apa2 preparation lagi..ain't it normal?huhu regarding my last post to have NIKON DSLR D3000, act dah lame beli...hehe..here some pics of me with my new baby...taddaaa...

p/s:tried many times to upload pics...satu pun tak berjaya..hampeh...catha soon!