Saturday, September 17, 2011

adieu, doctora!

on the day that i've posted this on my blog, darling sister had arrived Egypt safely..alhamdullilah and a simple text from her after 2 days of silence is good enough to make mom keep on smiling (after 2 days of amble steps around the house)..we know that studying abroad is a big decision to make..but the gusto shown by her after the spm's result announce convince my parents to let her choose her own future there..
 pic above taken a day before we sent darling sister to klia..a small kenduri and solat hajat held in our home sweet home..
 darling sister and my younger brother..klia entrance
 princess of the day
 wajib ada

 me with the soon to be Dr. Syahirah
 the family
 there's no other better feeling than having the whole families arounds me

 mom's favourite
another Dr. sponsored by Yayasan Pahang..

its always sad saying goodbye..and the whole family is still agog to have her here..alas, stand on and wake must be go on how hard we're trying..futhermore, i still had pending jobs after long furlough taken in order to spent enough time with darling sister a few days before she left us here..

to darling sister, if u read this..pls remember that we are missing u sooo damn endless doa recite everydays to Allah s.w.t for ur safety and healthy there..i am looking forward for another 6 years to come for you to back here for good.. Doctor Syahirah..insyaAllah..

Friday, September 16, 2011

my 2011 eidul fitri

i know i know..the intention of feeding this blog pent inside as i need to allocate an ample time to give a way to the hurly burly juggling around how was ur raya lovelies?obviously this is my 1st time celebrating raya as a wife..mmg agak sedih di pagi raya..duduk tepi tangga make a call to my mom for every single minutes sampai mak rimas..haha..padahal esoknya dah nak balik pahang..i miss home but having d next to me all day long taken away my edgy and grim faces..
si pentukang masak sambal goreng..i never know d is very talented in cooking..aww..other than that, he is also good in menganyam ketupat..sempat la belajar buat ketupat yg paling senang
kalau sebelum ni, pagi2 raya siapkan diri sendiri dan adik2, tapi tahun ni kene siapkan suami pulak..baju d tu beli sehari je b4 raya..luckily it paired with mine..
me with my nieces
 on the second day of raya, ada hari keluarga on d's side..hari keluarga ni gathered kesemua keluarga nyai melah (nenek d)..mmg ramai habis..nyai melah punya keturunan dah sampai susur galur ke 5..
the food..meriah sangat macam nak kenduri kawen.. 
 ini bukan persembahan karaoke..but as a new member, i need to introduce myself..cakap sikit je..malu
 another new comer
 photographer of the day..
 selain acara makan2 dan bergambar, ada juga our team kategori budak2..nampak aje senang..lenguh jugak mulut nak kemam straw tu
 pak is and aunty amal..semangat nak join tgh2 panas..
 our team utk kategori adult,,tgk abang kat sebelah semangat praktis b4 the game start
 sewaktu permainan..we won the game..tapi tak dapat hadiah sbb lupa nak time kene ingat..rugi rugi
penyumbang terbesar kemenangan..heheee
and last but not with darling husband..

the biggest changes that i noted happen to me this raya was, no money packet for me!yep..i told d and luckily d had spare some for dapat la jugak duit raya walaupun setelah bergelar si tua bangka..malam raya ke2 dah bertolak balik ke pahang to be with my family..

so thats it..till then..=)