Saturday, September 29, 2012

she is 1 month old!

My baby is just turn 1 month old today!

I am still in my confinement but since aulia had an appointment at the hospital, darling husband had fetch us at my hometown and walla, here I am.. in our home sweet home. Away from hometown and away from my mom had gave me a *smile up to my ears* mode. With that say, I and husband had decided to celebrate aulia birthday in monthly basis until she turns one.

We just want her to know how much we love her.

Going out with a baby requiring a good time management. Since aulia is still fully breastfeeding, I’ll make sure that enough milk is pumped out before we left home. Or else, I’ll bring the cooler bag contains another bottle of expressed breast milk.

Talking about husband, I am so lucky that he always help in managing our daughter. He bath our little girl, he change her diapers, he plays with her, he talk with her, he kiss her and he don’t mind sleeping with her when I really need a good sleep for at least 2 hours at night. Aulia is daddy friendly, but of course mama is still her favorites. =)

a set of soft toys as a gift

If u wonder how’s my feeling of being a mom, my answer will definitely be FANTASTIC! Even though I never had enough sleep at night, I am enjoying every single second that are happening now.  If u think that taking care of a newborn is easy as abc, forget that. Be thankful even if u can have a bath 5 minutes in peace.  Mine is less than 5 minutes, unless if husband is around. I hope things will be better and my skills will be improved. Till then readers, I need to re-pack our luggage because I and darling daughter are going back to my hometown tomorrow, sobs.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

being a mom!

hi all
this is just a quick update from me
darling daughter is in her good nap so i guess this is the perfect time for me to annouce
my daughter was born on 29th august (induced for 5 days overdue) at Hospital Putrajaya. I am taking FPP (which formerly known as private wing scheme in government hospital- more stories to come insyaAllah). After 16 hours (no kidding lol) of labor and about 15mins of pushing, our little angel made her grand entrance to the world.

my husband beamed with love. he'd done with iqamah to our little girl. i dont cry on my engagement, i dont cry on the day that i've become a wife, but i do cry at the moment i saw her little pink face and i couldn't believe how lucky i was to be holding the perfect little girl in my arms.

becoming a mother is a major life event. the moment that u bring a new life into the world, everythings changes.

little missy is now my life.
she is the main reason why i must be strong.
she is the main reason why me and husband must work harder.

when i see you smile, i can face the world.

mama and abah love u so much, Aulia Binti Md Riza Iskandar